Stop wasting your time on trivia

A thought for the new year of 2014.

There is a lot of noise in modern life. Finding your meaning is sometimes a matter of filtering everything out except the signal you need.

Set aside anything you do that is on this list. Competing for status baubles. Trying to look like someone on TV. Comparing your car / house / job with your friends. Worrying about your hair. Holding a grudge. Eating for comfort. Trying to help other people solve their problems. Running away from shadows. Living like you’re in a soap opera. Chasing after girls / boys / entities. Dreaming of the future. Mourning for the past. Being the narrator of your own drama. Greasing the machinery of power. Sucking up to a clique. Playing online poker. Counting your gold. Caring how others see you. Waiting for the phone call. Waiting for the email. Waiting for the status update. Waiting for anything. Working for The Man. Raging against The Machine. Arguing on the internet. Congratulating yourself for being clever. Berating yourself for being lazy. Any and all time spent in shopping malls. Gossiping. Collecting reward points. Categorising your collection of anything. Working in marketing / advertising. Being a banker. Being unemployed. Being underemployed. Being scared.

If you weren’t doing all of that, what would you be doing?

Go do it.

Published by Damien Walter

Writer and storyteller. Contributor to The Guardian, Independent, BBC, Wired, Buzzfeed and Aeon magazine. Special forces librarian (retired). Teaches the Rhetoric of Story to over 35,000 students worldwide.

3 thoughts on “Stop wasting your time on trivia

  1. We need to add blogging/facebooking/tweeting to that list!
    Imagine how much more writing we’d be doing instead!
    However, on the plus side of the above, they do help us network and get our names recognized and perhaps tempt readers to look at what we’ve written. :) Happy New Year Damien

