SOZD Progress Report

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in Support Our ‘Zines Day! I’ve been wonderfuly surprised by how many people have taken the time to get involved. Here are a selection of just a few of the good people who have shown their support:

M-Brane SF say 10/1 is SOZD

Electric Velocipede remind us how much positive feedback can help

Diva Diane calls me a mastermind (thanks!)

Kaleidotrope know that every bit of support helps

Charles Tan continues his stalwart support for the campaign

Juliet E Mckenna supports Murky Depths and Albedo One

Dark Wolf adds Nautilus and Beneath Ceaseless Skies to the meme

Scheherezade in Blue Jeans gets behind EV

Punk Tortoise likes SOZD

More suggestions from Charles Tan

Angry Robotess Aliette de Boddard remembers a few favourite stories

Cheryl Morgan supports SOZD and provides helpful words from Amanda Palmer

Over in the Twittersphere we’ve been listing a few of the ‘zines you might like to follow and support. Thanks to @kaolinfire @rsdevin @upwithgravity & @agamisu among others. #sozd for details.

There is no way to know how any of this translates to actual support for our ‘zines, but lets hope that at the least a few new subscriptions have been taken out. And it’s not over yet. Even as SOZD comes to a close here in the UK, many other time zones still have at least a few hours left.

Published by Damien Walter

Writer and storyteller. Contributor to The Guardian, Independent, BBC, Wired, Buzzfeed and Aeon magazine. Special forces librarian (retired). Teaches the Rhetoric of Story to over 35,000 students worldwide.

2 thoughts on “SOZD Progress Report

  1. SOZD has certainly blasted our readership. We doubled last months traffic TODAY, and what’s more, we’ve seen an 80% rise in new readers.

    If nothing else, it helped spread our word, and was a fantastic success for us. Thanks, Damien.

