Why Standard Manuscript Format matters more than ever

For the last few days I’ve been following the editorial pains of friend and fellow British Fantasy Award judge Hal Duncan on Twitter. I don’t know what it is Hall is editing, I’m just glad its not me having to do it! Like, actually, I think the Turkey City Lexicon should start with the GuessingContinue reading “Why Standard Manuscript Format matters more than ever”

The Reading

‘The Reading’ a special issue of Behind the Wainscot edited by Jonathan Wood exploriing the theme of The Tarot is now online. I was over-joyed to be invited to write a reading for ‘The Sun’ card, alongside Hal Duncan, Forest Aguirre, Ekaterina Sedia, Catherynne M. Valentte, Erzebt Yellowboy and the list of cool writers goesContinue reading “The Reading”