Pick me! Pick me!

“Employees wait to be picked for promotion, or to lead a meeting or to speak up at a meeting. ‘Pick me, pick me’ acknowledges the power of the system and passes responsibility to someone to initiate. Even better, ‘pick me, pick me’ moves the blame from you to them. If you don’t get picked, it’sContinue reading “Pick me! Pick me!”

Show Me the (Urban Fantasy) Money

So. Jeff Vandermeer has called on me as ‘someone who comes from the old-school urban fantasy and an appreciation for it’ to ‘investigate and report back’ on the current state of the urban fantasy genre. Now. Jeff knows of my abiding love for the urban fantasy genre, not just because I mentioned it in askingContinue reading “Show Me the (Urban Fantasy) Money”

Who reads urban fantasy?

Or indeed any other truly mass market fiction? Now, let me contextualise my question. I like urban fantasy. This is not an attack on the genre. And I understand that lots of people enjoy reading it. What I don’t understand is who reads it in the kind of bulk quantities that justify the vast numberContinue reading “Who reads urban fantasy?”